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President Ali’s 51st Republic anniversary speech

  • Posted: February 23, 2021
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ONE GUYANA Four years after attaining its political Independence, our country declared itself as a Republic and assumed the title of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. These two historical milestones – Independence and Republic status – form an unbroken continuum of our people’s struggles to lift themselves out of the state of want and deprivation, …

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President Ali’s inaugural speech to the 12th Parliament

  • Posted: February 12, 2021
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Honourable Speaker of the National Assembly, Chancellor, Honourable Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business. Honourable Vice President, Honourable Members of the National Assembly, Your Excellencies of the Diplomatic Community The Hon. Chief Justice, Chief of Staff Commissioner of Police, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen. The eyes of the people of Guyana are upon us.All of …

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President Ali’s New Year message to the Nation

  • Posted: January 01, 2021
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Fellow Guyanese, On this rainy night we leave 2o2o and we embark on 2021 with every reason for optimism for our future as a nation and as a country. Our economic prospects have never been brighter. Our collective feet are firmly placed on the first rungs of a ladder to prosperity that is clearly within …

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President Ali’s Christmas message

  • Posted: December 24, 2020
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Fellow Guyanese, The First Lady and I, and our son, are delighted to greet you on this joyous occasion of Christmas. This is our first Christmas message to the nation. Christmas is a time for saying thanks. I therefore wish to begin by expressing my appreciation to all of our citizens, at home and in …

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President Ali’s address to the 31st Special Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Posted: December 03, 2020
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The Co-operative Republic of Guyana welcomes this 31st Special Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We applaud the efforts which have been made by the United Nations in responding to this pandemic, particularly the UN’s humanitarian and socio-economic response and its ongoing efforts for a Post-COVID-19 …

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President Ali’s message on the occasion of International Day for Persons with Disabilities 2020

  • Posted: December 03, 2020
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International Day for Persons with Disabilities 2020 is being held under the theme “Building back better: towards an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 world by, for and with persons with disabilities”. This theme recognizes the disadvantageous effects which the coronavirus pandemic has caused particularly to persons with disabilities. The Co-operative Republic of Guyana fully …

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President Ali’s message on World Children’s Day 2020

  • Posted: November 20, 2020
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(November 20, 2020) Every child is entitled to be nurtured in a healthy, protective and supportive environment that allows for the realisation of the fullness of his or her potential.  We all have a duty to ensure such an environment is cultivated for our children. World Children’s Day, observed each year on the 20th November, …

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President Ali’s speech at the second AGM of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham)-Guyana

  • Posted: November 18, 2020
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I thank the American Chamber of Commerce- Guyana for their kind invitation extended to me to participate in this, its 2nd Annual General Meeting (AGM). Annual General Meetings are an obligatory requirement of membership organizations. They allow you, the members, to assess the stewardship of your Executive, to review the organization’s activities over the preceding …

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Message by His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali on the occasion of Tourism Awareness Month 2020

  • Posted: November 01, 2020
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Fellow Guyanese, Tourism Awareness Month once again casts the spotlight on our tourism and hospitality sector. This year, we are commemorating this important month under the theme: “Destination Guyana, Recover and Rebuild – Getting ready to bounce back!” which aptly reflects the challenge presently facing the local industry. The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating …

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