Month: <span>May 2020</span>

Message from His Excellency David Granger, President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, at the PAHO/WHO virtual concert for Public Health workers 2020.05.31

  • Posted: May 31, 2020
  • 4

Guyana and the world are enduring the excruciating effects of the Novel CoronavirusDisease 2019 (COVID-19). Twelve of our citizens have died. The competence of our public health workerscontributed to the recovery of sixty-seven persons and to the continued care of one hundred and fifty confirmed cases. I join the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and …

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Presentation of His Excellency David Granger President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to the High-Level Event on Financing for Development in the Era of Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 2020.05.28

  • Posted: May 28, 2020
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Excellencies, Guyana records its appreciation to the Prime Ministers of Canada and Jamaica and the Secretary-General of the United Nations for convening this important high-level event. Guyana, one of the smallest states on the continent of South America, borders countries which have a high incidence of Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Migrants, seeking refuge, enter …

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Address of His Excellency David Granger President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on the occasion of Guyana’s54th Independence Anniversary 2020.05.26

  • Posted: May 26, 2020
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Guyanese, We celebrate the 54th Anniversary of Independence recalling the sacrifice, suffering and struggle of our working people who struck the first blows against colonial oppression one hundred and fifteen years ago in Georgetown. We remember the militancy of the workers who were shot by the colonial police in the Ruimveldt Riots of 1905, an …

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Flooded Gunns/ Masekenari village benefit from relief efforts

  • Posted: May 26, 2020
  • 3

Georgetown, Guyana – (May 25, 2020) A team from the Civil Defence Commission (CDC), today, travelled to Gunns/Masekenari Village in the Konashen District, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo (Region Nine) to conduct a disaster risk assessment and handed over 60 food hampers to the Toshao, Mr. Paul Chikema, as residents continue to experience flooding in the village. …

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Message of His Excellency David Granger President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr 2020.05.24

  • Posted: May 23, 2020
  • 7

Eid Mubarak!I extend greetings to all Muslims and to all other Guyanese on the joyous occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr. This sacred festival commemorates the conclusion of the holy month of Ramadan during which Muslims performed acts of abstinence and engaged in ritual fasting and prayer. Eid-ul-Fitr reminds us of how divine worship is connected to social …

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MOTP condemns falsehoods in Nascimento, Guyana Times letter – calls for immediate apology and retraction

  • Posted: May 23, 2020
  • 7

Georgetown, Guyana (May 23, 2020): The Ministry of the Presidency firmly rejects the falsehoods contained in a fallacious letter written by Mr. Kit Nascimento titled, “Granger is not innocent of attempt to force rigged elections on Guyana” and published in today’s edition of the Guyana Times. Mr. Nascimento, in his Letter to the Editor, asserts …

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Update: REOI Provision of Marketing Services for the Cooperative Republic of Guyana’s Oil Entitlement from the Lisa Destiny FPSO Vessel

  • Posted: May 21, 2020
  • 10

The Department of Energy hereby notifies the Applicants who submitted Expressions of Interest on April 26, 2020, for the “Provision of Marketing Services for the Cooperative Republic of Guyana’s Oil Entitlement from the Lisa Destiny FPSO Vessel”, that the preparation of the Shortlist of Firms to be invited to submit full Technical and Financial Proposals …

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Government launches data collection mechanism to facilitate COVID-19 public assistance

  • Posted: May 20, 2020
  • 7

Georgetown, Guyana – (May 20, 2020) The Government of Guyana, today, launched a data collection mechanism, which is aimed at identifying and providing tangible support for vulnerable households affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its emergency measures. The initiative is made possible through the collaborative efforts of the National COVID-19 Task Force Executive Secretariat, Civil …

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Message from His Excellency David Granger President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on the occasion of International Nurses Day 2020.05.12

  • Posted: May 12, 2020
  • 27

Nursing Guyanese to good health Guyanese, International Nurses Day acknowledges the contribution that nurses make to society and to humanity around the world. The Day commemorates the birth of Florence Nightingale, considered the founder of modern nursing. She was recognized for her service in the 19th century and is credited with implementing innovative methods of …

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