Georgetown, Guyana – (January 12, 2020) His Excellency David Granger, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, is saddened at the death of Dr. Wallace Irving Lee, AA, CCH. He was a Director and Surgeon at the Woodlands Hospital Limited.

Following the completion of his secondary education at Queen’s College, Dr. Lee attended the University of the West Indies (UWI), where he studied medicine. Upon his return to Guyana, he would have served as a consultant in surgery at the Georgetown Public Hospital corporation before moving on to other institutions.

Dr. Lee was an outstanding Guyanese and professional in his field. It is for this reason he was awarded the Golden Arrowhead of Achievement and, later, the Cacique Crown of Honour for his exemplary service.

President Granger expresses heartfelt sympathy to his wife, Mrs. Marlene Lee, their children, the management and staff of the Woodlands Hospital and other relatives and friends.

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