Day: <span>December 21, 2019</span>

Ministry of the Presidency condemns Opposition Leader’s spurious utterances during North American outreach

  • Posted: December 21, 2019
  • 794

Georgetown, Guyana – (December 20, 2019) The Ministry of the Presidency firmly rejects and condemns the dishonest, malicious and wicked remarks reportedly made by former President Bharrat Jadgeo, now Opposition Leader, Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo during his recent campaign appearances in North America. Mr. Jagdeo, while in North America, made statements aimed at besmirching the character …

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Historic oil production begins offshore Guyana – Dr. Bynoe

  • Posted: December 21, 2019
  • 2

Georgetown, Guyana – (December 20, 2019): United States oil company ExxonMobil and its co-venturers Hess and CNOOC have begun oil production offshore Guyana ahead of schedule and less than five years after the discovery of hydrocarbons in commercial quantities here, Director, Department of Energy, Dr. Mark Bynoe announced today. “This historic development for the Co-operative …

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Address of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana on the occasion of the declaration of National Petroleum Day 2018.12.20

  • Posted: December 21, 2019
  • 1

Guyanese, I shall issue a proclamation declaring 20th December as ‘National Petroleum Day.’ The proclamation will remind us of our duty to protect the country’s patrimony and to ensure the sustainable management of finite hydrocarbon resources. I have been advised that petroleum production is about to commence – three months ahead of the original schedule. …

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