Day: <span>November 9, 2019</span>

President Granger urges scouts to be protectors of national patrimony -at opening of national scout camp

  • Posted: November 09, 2019
  • 2

Georgetown, Guyana – (November 9, 2019) President David Granger, this morning, implored upon scouts to prepare themselves to become the protectors of our patrimony, as it is the youth who will eventually have to shoulder the responsibility of looking after this great nation. The President made these statements in his feature address at the opening …

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MoTP condemns GPA’s misrepresentation of President’s stance on Government ads -calls for immediate retraction and apology

  • Posted: November 09, 2019
  • 4

Georgetown, Guyana – (November 9, 2019) The Ministry of the Presidency condemns as patently false and malicious, the statement issued by the Guyana Press Association (GPA) today, where it deliberately misconstrued statements made by President David Granger, during his live interview with Kaieteur Radio on Friday, November 1, 2019. During the interview, Senior Journalist, Mr. …

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First Lady urges women to recognise intrinsic value before dressing up -at JSZ World of Fashion Seminar

  • Posted: November 09, 2019
  • 73

Georgetown, Guyana – (November 8, 2019) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, this morning, said that in striving to achieve one’s highest potential, a woman’s first focus should be knowing her inherent value which will build confidence, and not on outward appearances. Mrs. Granger made these statements in her feature address at the Junshazyna’s (JSZ) World …

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