Day: <span>August 21, 2019</span>

‘Improvements in the Technical Corps necessary to develop tech-savvy Defence Force’ – President Granger says as 11 Second Lieutenants receive scholarships to study in China

  • Posted: August 21, 2019
  • 1

Georgetown, Guyana – (August 21, 2019) President David Granger, this afternoon at the Ministry of the Presidency, met eleven scholarship awardees of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) who will soon travel to the People’s Republic of China to take up their five-year scholarships. The 11 Second Lieutenants will be pursuing studies in the fields of …

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Minister of State receives courtesy call from Ambassador of Azerbaijan

  • Posted: August 21, 2019
  • 0

Georgetown, Guyana – (August 21, 2019) Minister of State, Mrs. Dawn Hastings- Williams, today, received a courtesy call from Dr. Elkhan Polukhov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan at her Ministry of the Presidency office. During the meeting, Ambassador Polukhov informed that his visit was primarily to brief the Minister on some …

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Minister of State responds to food aid request from Kurukubaru -government interventions, diversification of crops to be considered

  • Posted: August 21, 2019
  • 178

Georgetown, Guyana – (August 21, 2019) Minister of State, Mrs. Dawn Hastings- Williams, yesterday, travelled to Kurukubaru, Potaro-Siparuni (Region Eight) to get a first-hand look at the challenges facing the community, following a request residents made to her for foodstuff. In a letter to the Minister, the residents outlined that due to heavy rainfall since …

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