Day: <span>July 28, 2019</span>

MoTP corrects distorted views by Ralph Ramkarran, S.C.

  • Posted: July 28, 2019
  • 14

Georgetown, Guyana – (July 28, 2019): The Ministry of the Presidency (MoTP) notes with much concern the statements made by Mr. Ralph Ramkarran, S.C. in his blog titled “The President is transporting Guyana into a dystopian reality” published in the 28th July 2019 edition of the Stabroek News. Mr. Ramkarran, who is also a co-founder …

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Government in Action: Theory and practical -the key to an educated youth

  • Posted: July 28, 2019
  • 13

President David Granger holds the view that students must be prepared for the world of work. As Guyana’s economy continues to grow at a rapid pace, this can prove daunting for recent secondary school graduates with little or no practical experience. The Government of Guyana has been helping combat youth unemployment through the Ministry of …

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