Service and success
Citizens’ contribution to society, their participation in national development and their personal accomplishments are central to a country’s progress. Citizens whose service reflect the values – of identity, integrity and loyalty – help to make Guyana a better place. They deserve to be accorded the recognition of the state and the respect of the nation.

The Constitution of the Orders of Guyana established the National Honours System which recognises and respects those citizens whose selfless service has had a measurable impact on the country. The National Honours System applauds citizens for their contribution, participation and accomplishments.

National awards are part our National Honours System. The awards embody our nation’s values. They are tangible tokens of the respect which a grateful nation can bestow on its worthy citizens. They express appreciation for selfless service, encourage emulation and extol success.

National awards are an institution of the State. It is our obligation to preserve that institution by conferring these awards annually and unfailingly. National awards should never be disregarded or disparaged through arbitrary or capricious conferment or through neglect.

National Awards have been restored to their proper place of prominence in our nation’s order of business. They have been conferred annually, since 2015, as they will continue to be.

I congratulate this year’s national awardees. I applaud their accomplishments in diverse fields – academia, business, charity, defence, the economy, education, enterprise, faith, health, sport, security and other public services. The awardees’ achievements have strengthened our motherland. Ω

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