Georgetown, Guyana – (February 23, 2019) Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon, last evening, announced that the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA) has approved a television licence for the town of Linden, Upper Demerara-Berbice (Region 10) and this will be handed over within the new week. The Minister made this announcement at the Flag Raising ceremony, held at the Linden minibus park, to mark Guyana’s 49th Republic anniversary.

“This is historical for you Linden. Things are happening here in Linden and once we have worked out those issues, you can be assured that you will receive the licence within one week,” he told the large gathering.

For decades, the town had only been able to benefit from a television feed from the National Communications Network (NCN).

The Minister further said that GNBA Chairman, Mr. Leslie Sobers has committed that following the establishment of a management committee, the licence will be made available. This, he said, will be addressed next week.

Meanwhile, in his Republic message, the Minister of State said Guyanese must use the occasion to remind themselves of the significance of these celebrations; to remember with pride, the country’s many achievements as a nation and to re-dedicate their energies to the task of nation building, particularly at a time when the future has never been brighter and the economic and socio-economic prospects never better.

“Guyana is now listed in every major financial capital in the world as a destination of consequence. We have always been a blessed nation with numerous natural resources and our discovery of oil and gas has reaffirmed our status as the home of the ‘El Dorado’, ‘the City of gold’ and a place of ‘gold bearing opportunities.’ I can say to you in all confidence and certainty that our proud Republic is on the cusp of unprecedented economic, social and cultural development. The world is heading to Guyana to invest and it is the people of Guyana who must be the main beneficiaries of the economic largesse that will inevitably accrue. You must prepare and position yourselves. Forget the differences and the bickering and organize yourselves. The word cooperative is not attached to our official name by accident. It is the time for us to unite and cooperate; it is time for the small man to become the real man, this is the time, our future is bright”, he said.
Minister Harmon said too that the theme for this year’s Republic celebrations, “Celebrate 49 with victory in mind” has been perfectly crafted to communicate the prospects of the nation and to highlight the Government and its peoples’ resolve to foster true development.
‘“Victory over what?’ We may ask – it is a victory over all the economic, social and cultural maladies that affect us individually and collectively as a people, maladies such as ignorance, poverty and disease. It is time for the people of Guyana including the people of Linden to now break every chain, the chains of personal misfortunes, poverty, ignorance, crime and disease. We must break these chains to celebrate individual and personal victories, community victories, regional victories and national victories. This is our time, this is the time that the creator, God Almighty has ordained for every Guyanese to break the chains that have held us back for decades. The time is now and we must seize the moment. Your government will ensure that we work every day to provide the enabling environment so you can break those chains and achieve your victories,” Minister Harmon said.
Already, Minister Harmon said, people are enjoying a better quality of life across all communities in the country including Linden, through infrastructural development, educational opportunities and social projects.
“Government spending in 2018 was in excess of $3.5 billion and this will increase to $3.9 billion in 2019. In 2018, contractors in Linden benefitted from over $600 million in contracts and this will be repeated, if not increased, in 2019. The road to Kwakwani was recently rehabilitated and there was the expansion and development of the road to Kimbia, Sandhills and Moraikobai through Millie’s Trail. In addition, 21 roads were rehabilitated across Linden and at least 20 roads, bridges and drainage projects will be executed in 2019. A contract was also awarded in the sum of $179 million for the construction of a synthetic athletics track of international standard and arrangements are being made for the construction of a new school at Christianburg. This is only the beginning of what is in store for Linden and Region 10,” Minister Harmon outlined.

Meanwhile, Mayor of Linden, Her Worship Waneka Arrindell, said the country’s 49th Republic Anniversary should be seen as the ideal time for Guyanese to put country first and work towards creating a better Guyana.

“We must stand by the foundation on which we started, the foundation of cooperation and when we raise that Golden Arrowhead to celebrate tonight, I hope that we will hold on to our neighbours and friends and make a promise that we will work together so that Linden and Guyana can rise higher,” she said.
Regional Chairman, Mr. Rennis Morian, echoed similar sentiments as he noted that more can be achieved when people cooperate and collaborate for the greater good.

The ceremony also featured several cultural performances including dances, poetry recitals and songs by the town’s youth and, as the clock struck midnight, the Golden Arrowhead was hoisted.

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