Georgetown, Guyana – (December 14, 2018) Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Mr. Michael Somersall, today, charged 60 graduates of the Bertram Collins College of the Public Service (BCCPS) to be innovative in their new jobs, impartial and to have respect for all ethnic groups in the execution of their duties, at the second graduation exercise, which was held at the BCCPS’s Ogle, East Coast Demerara campus.

“You will interact with many ethnic groups and how you handle diversity will be key… You are now a servant of the citizens of Guyana and at all times you will have to be creative, innovative and think outside of the box … Remain true to your principles of good governance, remember your motto of impartiality, of objectivity and integrity,” he said.

Senior Executive Director of the College, Colonel (retired) Lawrence Paul echoed these sentiments and added that he expects efficiency from the graduates. “You are the future of the Public Service and you will be the glue that will hold the expected efficiency of the current administration and future administrations of this country and in dispensing your duties. You must do so without fear or favour, affection or ill will, but that will not be easy because some will see you as the threat and not a change agent,” he said.

Meanwhile, Best Graduating Student, Ms. Ariana Carvajal speaking on behalf of the graduating class, encouraged the public to trust in their abilities. “You can have full faith in our abilities as Public Servants as you are the sole reason our jobs exist and we will work with your best interest at heart,” she said.

Graduate Mr. Ronald Taylor said he believed that his year-long enrolment in the College was very “rounded” as he had the opportunity to engage in both practical and theoretical sessions in multiple fields. “We were exposed to various courses and while on attachment we were exposed to the realities of the Public Service. We studied language, ethics and other areas that made it really good,” he said, adding that he was looking forward to being a change agent when he assumes duty permanently within the Public Sector.

Department of the Public Service, Permanent Secretary (Ag), Mr. Andrew Grant; University of Guyana, Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ivelaw Griffith and Professor Michael Scott, and Department of the Public Service Coordinator of International Conferences, Meetings and Governance Mr. Reginald Brotherson also attended the ceremony.

The BCCP motto is to “provide appropriate learning experiences for all members of the public service to equip them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to perform duties professionally”.

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