Day: <span>August 27, 2018</span>

‘The Church has a role in re-igniting, reintegrating, reinventing and re-engaging villages’ -President Granger

  • Posted: August 27, 2018
  • 288

Georgetown, Guyana – (August 26, 2018) President David Granger, today, attended the 165th anniversary of the Zoar Congregational Church in Plaisance, East Coast Demerara, where he urged the church to use this occasion and the tradition of Congregationalism to re-ignite the beacon of spirituality and hope for its communities; re- integrate with the communities by …

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‘Guyanese must disassociate themselves from denialism’ -President Granger calls for concerted effort to tackle social ills at Cuffy 250 Forum

  • Posted: August 27, 2018
  • 40

Georgetown, Guyana – (August 26, 2018) President David Granger, today, called on all Guyanese to disassociate themselves from denialism as he noted that inconvenient truths particularly about the country’s challenges must not be concealed but, rather, every person must contribute to crafting and implementing plans to improve education, employment and empowerment. President Granger was at …

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