Georgetown, Guyana – (November 26, 2017) President David Granger and First Lady Mrs. Sandra Granger, today, joined with the congregation at the Queenstown Moravian Church for a special worship service to open the Second Biennial Provincial Synod of the Moravian Church in Guyana. The event which runs from November 26-29 is being held under the theme, “Fulfilling the Mission, Advancing the Kingdom in the 21st Century.”

President Granger in his remarks, spoke of God’s Commandment to ‘love they neighbour as thyself’ and said that it stands at the core of the concept of social cohesion. “I do believe that the message of social cohesion in which Guyanese, in this multicultural society, can learn to love one another despite the differences in complexion. We are all God’s children and we must learn to love one another and this church and every other church and the Government and civil society and the Hindus and the Muslims, must all work towards loving one another,” he said.

He noted too, that this second biennial synod can serve to reinforce the importance of unity and cooperation; adding that the event is timely and its theme is apt and is in keeping with the Church’s founding principles.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Church, Mr. Noel Adonis explained that the synod is a very significant component of the governance structure of the Moravian Churches. “It provides an opportunity for congregations throughout the Ministry to be able to present reports on their activities for the last two years… It helps us in establishing projections and the way forward,” he said.

The Moravian Church emerged out of the Bohemian Reformation, also known as the Czech or Hussite Reformation. It was inspired by John Hus, a theologian, who was accused of being a heretic and was burnt at the stake in July 1415. Hus’ followers established the Moravian Church in 1457.

The Moravians first came to Guyana in 1738 when two missionaries of the Unity of Brethren journeyed to the Dutch-owned colony of Berbice in 1738. However, they were prevented from evangelising the enslaved Africans and as such, they concentrated their efforts at ministering to the Amerindian peoples. After the 1763 Berbice Slave Revolt, the mission was abandoned until they returned to British Guiana over 100 years later in 1878.

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