Georgetown, Guyana – (June 3, 2017) A Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Laboratory Workshop, which was hosted by the Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development, Biomimicry Roraima and the University of Massachusetts, Boston in collaboration with the Department of Environment, concluded on Thursday at the Cara Lodge. The workshop, which brought together three clusters of stakeholders was aimed at identifying solutions to critical issues affecting the environmental sector.
SDG Laboratories are multi-stakeholder processes used to catalyse transformation in institutions, systems and sectors of society. This first iteration of the Guyana SDG Lab convened stakeholders representing government, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, civil society, and academia to identify the main challenges and barriers to Guyana’s transition to a Green State, while suggesting innovative solutions to overcome these challenges. Participants also outlined inherent benefits and various pathways to achieving the Green State.
The Department of Environment intends to continue collaborations with Iwokrama and the team from Boston to draft a report, which will be presented at the Ideas and Innovation Forum of the International Sustainability Science Conference will be held in Stockholm, Sweden in August and at the United Nations High Level Political Forum (HLPF) in 2018. The HLPF will be convened under the theme, ‘Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies’.
The Department of Environment will continue to work with other stakeholders and partners in developing the Green State Development Strategy and advancing the Green State Agenda.
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