Day: <span>May 2, 2017</span>

Office of First Lady calls on citizens to report scholarship scam

  • Posted: May 02, 2017
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Georgetown, Guyana – (May 2, 2017) The Office of the First Lady of Guyana has received further reports that residents of Georgetown and other areas in Guyana have been approached via phone calls and text messages with requests for payment in return for the opportunity to gain scholarships. First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger would like …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger at the Opening Session of Heads of Mission Conference 2017 hosted at the Pegasus Hotel April 3, 2017

  • Posted: May 02, 2017
  • 3

President David Granger: Honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo; Honourable Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Barton Scotland; Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Greenidge; Vice President Sydney Allicock; Ministers of the Government, Members of the National Assembly; Members of the Diplomatic Corps; Members of the Légion d’Honneur, Sir Shridath Ramphal and …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger at the donation of equipment exercise from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) held at the Coast Guard Ship Hinds April 3, 2017

  • Posted: May 02, 2017
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President David Granger: Inspector General of the Guyana Defence Force, Colonel Nazrul Hussain; Senior Colonel Zeng Xianglin, Head of the Military Delegation of the People’s Liberation Army; senior officers; technical officers of the People’s Republic of China; special invitees; members of the media; ladies and gentlemen. I am happy to be here this afternoon to …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger at the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Guyana Annual Dinner and the Launch of the 2017 ACEG Business Magazine April 1, 2017

  • Posted: May 02, 2017
  • 13

President David Granger: Minister of Legal Affairs; Honourable Noel Holder, Minister of Agriculture; His Excellency Mr Cui Jianchun, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China and Madam; President of the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Guyana Kevin – well that’s an easy one to pronounce – Liu; members of the Association of Chinese Enterprises in …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger at the swearing-in ceremony of Mayors and Deputy Mayors March 30, 2017

  • Posted: May 02, 2017
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President David Granger: Minister of Communities, Mr. Ronald Bulkan; Ministers within the Ministry of Communities, Ms. Valerie Patterson and Ms. Dawn Hastings-Williams; the Mayors; Deputy Mayors; special invitees; members of the media: I don’t know why they chose the 1st of April for your effective date, but I’m not going to query the Ministry of …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger at the commissioning ceremony of the Coast Guard Metal Shark vessels March 29, 2017

  • Posted: May 02, 2017
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President David Granger: Thank you, please be seated. Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Brigadier Patrick West; Heads of the Disciplined Services, Inspector General Colonel Nazrul Hussain; Commandant of the Guyana People’s Militia Colonel Beaton; United States of America Military Liaison Officer; Officers; ranks; ladies and gentlemen: It’s always a pleasant responsibility of …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, on the occasion of the 83rd birth anniversary of His Imperial Majesty Akihito of Japan held at the Guyana Marriot Hotel December 14, 2016

  • Posted: May 02, 2017
  • 3

President David Granger: His Excellency Mitsuhiko Okada and Mrs. Okada; former President of Guyana Mr Samuel Hinds, members of the Diplomatic Corps, honorary consuls, distinguished guests, members of the media, ladies and gentlemen: The Cooperative Republic of Guyana is pleased to extend congratulations and best wishes to His Imperial Majesty Akihito on the occasion of …

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