Day: <span>March 27, 2017</span>

Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger Trans Guyana Beechcraft Commissioning Ceremony 17th September, 2015

  • Posted: March 27, 2017
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President David Granger: Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Mr. Michael Correia and Members of the Correia Group of Companies; Members of the Ogle International Airport directorship, members of the private sector; members of the aviation community, special invitees, members of the media, ladies and gentlemen:Trans Guyana Airways’ acquisition of this Beechcraft is a good move. …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger at the Annual Police Officers Conference 25th February, 2016

  • Posted: March 27, 2017
  • 4

President David Granger: Please be seated. Thank you, Commissioner, for your kind introduction. I’d like to assure you that yesterday afternoon I signed the Appropriation Act so the dinner tomorrow night is the real thing. [Laughter.]It’s always good to be here; the largest landowner in North Georgetown, the Guyana Police Force. A lot of real …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, at the Commissioning ceremony of the 13th school bus for the ‘Five Bs’ programme held at Tapakuma Village, Pomeroon-Supenaam Region Two 29th September, 2016

  • Posted: March 27, 2017
  • 4

President David Granger: Thank you Master of Ceremonies. Toshao of the village, Mr. James Schaddle, thank you for this very warm welcome, if it was any warmer I think we would all be roasting, but it is a pleasure. It is a joy to be in your community of Tapakuma and I’m very happy to …

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Remarks by His Excellency, Brigadier David Granger, at the commissioning ceremony of the school boat ‘David G II’ 30th October, 2015

  • Posted: March 27, 2017
  • 34

President David Granger: Thank you, please be seated. Thank you for the kind introduction and I would like to thank you personally for your remarks, Mrs. Seepersaud. I thank the children, who welcomed me along the roadway. Thank you all for coming away early from school this afternoon; I know you would prefer to be …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger At Den Amstel Emancipation Day celebrations 31st July, 2016

  • Posted: March 27, 2017
  • 29

President David Granger: Thank you, please be seated. Thank you for that brief introduction. Member of Parliament, John Adams; Reverend Nestor Austin; Mr. Kempton Hillman, Chairman of the NDC; Mr. Denis Jaikaran, Regional Executive Officer; pastors, fellow worshipers:I’m very happy to be here today at the eve of our 178th Anniversary of Emancipation, that’s number …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, at the Commissioning ceremony of the 13th school bus for the ‘Five Bs’ programme held at Tapakuma Village, Pomeroon-Supenaam Region Two 29th September, 2016

  • Posted: March 27, 2017
  • 12

President David Granger: Thank you Master of Ceremonies. Toshao of the village, Mr. James Schaddle, thank you for this very warm welcome, if it was any warmer I think we would all be roasting, but it is a pleasure. It is a joy to be in your community of Tapakuma and I’m very happy to …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger at the commemoration service in honour of James McFarlane Corry- the Father of Local Government held at James McFarlane Corry Monument, Den Amstel 17th March, 2016

  • Posted: March 27, 2017
  • 29

President David Granger: Thank you, please be seated. Residents of Den Amstel, members of the media, fellow Guyanese:I’m very happy and honoured to be here this morning. John Adams, in his quiet moments, can tell you why, but I feel that the ceremony that we are witnessing here this morning is a hugely important one …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, at the Opening of the Hague Convention Conference ‘International Family Law, Legal Cooperation and Commerce, Promoting Human Rights and Cross Border trade in the Caribbean” hosted by the Ministry of Lega

  • Posted: March 27, 2017
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President David Granger: Vice President Sydney Allicock; Honourable Basil Williams, Minister of Legal Affairs; Honourable Dennis Byron, President of the Caribbean Court of Justice; Members of the Judiciary, Members of the Government, Members of the National Assembly; Members of the Diplomatic Corps; Dr. Christophe Bernasconi, Secretary-General of the Hague Conference; members of the Success Choir; …

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Remarks by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger at the opening of the Fourth International Congress on the Guiana Shield Biodiversity, at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre, Liliendaal 8th August, 2016

  • Posted: March 27, 2017
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President David Granger: Thank you Chairman. Please be seated. It cannot be fair to bring me after such an exciting and inspiring dance. I think if the audience had a choice between an encore and listening to me that the dancers would win. [Laughter.] Chairperson, Ms. Khadija Musa, Resident Coordinator of UNDP in Guyana; Professor …

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