Day: <span>February 16, 2017</span>

Remarks By The Secretary-General Caribbean Community (Caricom) Ambassador Irwin Larocque At The Opening Of The Twenty-Eighth Inter-Sessional Meeting Of The Conference Of Heads Of Government Of The Caribbean Community

  • Posted: February 16, 2017
  • 140

His Excellency Brigadier (Retired) David Granger, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and Chairman of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community; Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica and Out-going Chairman of the Conference of Heads of Government; Other Heads of State and Government; Other Heads of Delegation; Representatives of …

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Remarks by the Outgoing Chairman of the Conference of Heads of Government Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica at the Twenty-Eighth Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community

  • Posted: February 16, 2017
  • 5

His Excellency Brigadier(Retired) David Granger,Chairman of theConference of Heads ofGovernment and Presidentof the Cooperative Republic of Guyana; Your Excellencies Heads ofState and Government of the Caribbean Community; Ambassador Irwin LaRocque,Secretary-General of theCaribbean Community; Other Heads of Delegation; People of the CaribbeanCommunity. Let me begin by thanking colleague Heads of Government for their cooperation and support …

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Address of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to the Twenty-eighth Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community.

  • Posted: February 16, 2017
  • 1

Address of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to the Twenty-eighth Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community. The Spirit of Chaguaramas The four founding fathers – Barbados’s Errol Barrow, Guyana’s Forbes Burnham, Jamaica’s Michael Manley and Trinidad and Tobago’s Eric Williams – …

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President Granger meets with Haitian President

  • Posted: February 16, 2017
  • 187

Georgetown, Guyana – (February 15, 2017) President David Granger, this evening, met with the newly inaugurated President of Haiti, Mr. Jovenel Moïse and his wife First Lady, Mrs. Martine Marie Etienne Joseph, who arrived in Guyana today for the 28th Intersessional Meeting of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). During the meeting the …

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Minister Felix urges General Register Office clerks to focus on accuracy, speed -as GRO starts digitising records

  • Posted: February 16, 2017
  • 10

Georgetown, Guyana – (February 15, 2017) Minister of Citizenship, Mr. Winston Felix, today, charged the 62 data entry clerks at the General Register Office(GRO) in Guyana Post Office Corporation building, to make accuracy and speed their watchwords as plans move apace to digitise the agency’s records and create a national database. At the meeting, the …

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New group looking to target Non-Communicable Diseases through religious organisations -Minister Harmon pledges Government’s support

  • Posted: February 16, 2017
  • 1

Georgetown, Guyana – (February 15, 2017) Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon, today, met with Professor of Social Epidemiology and Nutrition at the King’s College in London, Dr. Seromanie Harding, who is working in collaboration with the University of Guyana (UG) and other health practitioners here in Guyana, to build capacity for the reduction of …

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First Lady calls for increased sexual reproductive health education

  • Posted: February 16, 2017
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Georgetown, Guyana – (February 15, 2017) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, this morning, attended the opening ceremony of the Caribbean Coalition on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (CCSRHR), Advocacy Workshop at the Cara Lodge Hotel, Conference Room in Georgetown. The launch of this initiative is being coordinated by the CCSRHR with support given by …

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President meets with Trinidadian counterpart ahead of CARICOM meeting

  • Posted: February 16, 2017
  • 1

Georgetown, Guyana – (February 15, 2017) The Governments of Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago will be re-establishing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which laid the framework for cooperation in the energy sector. This MoU was initiated between the two countries in 2013 but its life has since come to an end. Additionally, the two Governments …

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Statement by the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) in response to the Private Sector Commission’s comments on the State Assets Recovery Agency (SARA) Bill

  • Posted: February 16, 2017
  • 234

Georgetown, Guyana – (February 15, 2017) In accordance with Article 54 (1) (c) of the United Nations’ Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), each State Party must “consider taking such measures as may be necessary to allow confiscation of property without criminal conviction”. In this context, the SARA Bill is designed to facilitate the recovery of illicitly …

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