Day: <span>June 16, 2016</span>

GRA, Finance Ministry staffers to participate in tax administration workshop

  • Posted: June 16, 2016
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Georgetown, Guyana – (June 16, 2016) Guyana is set to participate in a regional workshop on the Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) and Revenue Administration – Fiscal Information Tool (RA – FIT) in Barbados from June 20-24. Cabinet, on June 7, approved the attendance of Ms. Gracelyn George, Senior Economic and Financial Analyst, Ministry …

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Minister Holder to attend Peru meeting on sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition

  • Posted: June 16, 2016
  • 1

Georgetown, Guyana – (June 16, 2016) Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Noel Holder will be attending the First International Meeting of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Sustainable Agriculture for the Strengthening of Food and Nutrition Security in Lima, Peru from June 22-23. Cabinet, on June 7, granted its approval for Guyana’s participation following an invitation …

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Guyana to participate in 16th Session Fishery Commission meeting

  • Posted: June 16, 2016
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Georgetown, Guyana – (June 16, 2016) Guyana will be participating in 16th Session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) set for June 20-24 in Guadeloupe. Cabinet, on June 7, granted its approval for Mr. Gary Baird, Head of the Legal and Inspectorate Unit at the Fisheries Department in the Ministry of Agriculture, to …

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Guyana represented at CIF meeting in Mexico

  • Posted: June 16, 2016
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Georgetown, Guyana – (June 16, 2016) Guyana recently attended a Forest Investment Programme Pilot (FIP) Meeting in Oaxaca, Mexico aimed at enhancing learning and sharing experiences between the 72 FIP countries with regard to sustainable forestry practices. Cabinet, on June 7, granted approval for Mr. Mahendra Saywack, a technical officer in the Ministry of Natural …

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Guyana to participate in Land Degradation Neutrality workshop

  • Posted: June 16, 2016
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Georgetown, Guyana – (June 16, 2016) Cabinet, on June 7, gave its approval for Commissioner of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commissioner (GLSC), Mr. Trevor Benn to attend a workshop on Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Target Setting in Buenos Aires, Argentina from July 20-21. The workshop is being organised by the United Nations’ Convention to …

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Guyana attended Regional Conference on Population and Development

  • Posted: June 16, 2016
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Georgetown, Guyana – (June 16, 2016) Guyana recently participated in the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Mexico City, Mexico, which was held from June 8-9, 2016. Cabinet, on June 7, approved the attendance of Ms. Hazel Halley-Burnett, Gender Consultant within the Ministry of Social Protection at the Conference. Guyana’s participation was made possible …

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Guyana attended the Consultative Forum on Environmental Health

  • Posted: June 16, 2016
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Georgetown, Guyana – (June 16, 2016) Guyana recently attended a Consultative Forum on Environmental Health, CCH4, Sustainable Development Goals and Adaptation to Climate Change’ at the Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO) office in Barbados. Cabinet, on June 7, approved the attendance of Mr. Amarnauth Maraj, Director of Environmental Health at the Ministry of …

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President Granger agrees to attend Solomon’s Temple anniversary service

  • Posted: June 16, 2016
  • 2

Georgetown, Guyana – (June 16, 2016) President David Granger, earlier today, accepted an invitation from the Solomon’s Temple in Philippi, East Berbice-Corentyne (Region Six) to participate in their fifth anniversary celebratory church service on August 21. Pastor Ewart Bagot, who presented the invitation to the President during a courtesy call paid on him at the …

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Address by His Excellency, Brigadier David Granger, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, to the National Assembly on the claims of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of Suriname to Guyana’s territory – October 22, 2015

  • Posted: June 16, 2016
  • 8

Guyana’s patrimony Honourable Prime Minister and Leader of the House;Members of the Diplomatic Corps;Honourable Leader of the Opposition;Ministers of the Government;Honourable Members of the National Assembly;Ladies and Gentlemen: I am honoured to be here for the third time, in this year 2015, to discuss with you matters of importance – matters of national interest. I …

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