Day: <span>February 1, 2016</span>

Transcript of the Address by H.E. Brigadier David Granger President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Green Expo 2015

  • Posted: February 01, 2016
  • 0

 (31st October, 2015) His Excellency President Brigadier David Granger: I think within the space of five mere months you all have impressed the general public, tourists, and visitors tell me about it. Only one person has criticized what is happening in the city, (I didn’t call the name, you know I am a prudent person.) but …

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Transcript of the Address by H.E. Brigadier David Granger President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Ministry of Education 19th Annual National Education Awards Ceremony

  • Posted: February 01, 2016
  • 2

(29th October, 2015) His Excellency President David Granger: Thank you, please be seated. Madam Chairperson, Mrs. Evelyn Hamilton, she knows why she said that, “I believe the children should be in palaces” because she knows that several years ago we were at a certain institution together [and] I said that, “children are kings and they should …

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Transcript of the Address by H.E. Brigadier David Granger President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Greenheart-Bartica

  • Posted: February 01, 2016
  • 133

(26th October 2015) His Excellency President Brigadier David Granger: Thank you Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force. Citizens of Bartica, how you feeling today?  Vice-President and Minister of Public Security, Mr Khemraj Ramjattan, Chairman of the Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, Mr Gordon Bradford, officers of the Guyana Defence Force, members of the media, ladies and gentlemen.  …

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Transcript of the Address by H.E. Brigadier David Granger President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Launching Ceremony of Fyrish Basketball Court Region Six

  • Posted: February 01, 2016
  • 3

(25th October, 2015)    H.E David Granger: Thank you all for coming out this Sunday afternoon. This is an important step in the development of this community. I am glad to be here although I didn’t expect to have to speak; I thought I was just cutting ribbons. As I am here, I would like …

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Transcript of the address of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, New Amsterdam Town Week

  • Posted: February 01, 2016
  • 5

(25th October 2015) H.E. David A. Granger: Thank you for that kind introduction  Madam Chairperson, Mayor of New Amsterdam Mr. Claude Henry,  Town Clerk,  Representatives of the Private Sector, Representatives of the RDC,  Representatives of the Non-Governmental Organizations and Civil Society,  Community leaders,  Students,  Artistes, who gave us such excellent performances this afternoon, Members of the …

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Remarks by His Excellency, Brigadier David A. Granger President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to the residents of Black Bush Polder at the Mibicuri Community Development Centre October 25, 2015

  • Posted: February 01, 2016
  • 5

President David Granger: Thank you very much Mr. Foster for your introduction and for inviting me into this community again. Her Excellency, Madam Khadija Musa, the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations Development Programme, United Nations system in Guyana; staff members of the United Nations; Chairman of the East Berbice-Corentyne Region, my colleague and Presidential …

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Transcript of His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, At the 25th anniversary of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club

  • Posted: February 01, 2016
  • 133

(25 October 2015)  Minister of Education,  Members of the Diplomatic Corps,  Members of the National Assembly,  Regional Chairman Mr. David Armogan, Representatives of the Non-Governmental Organizations, particularly the IMC here in Rose Hall,  Representatives of the Private Sector, Representatives of other Non-Governmental Organizations,  Awardees of the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club, Members of …

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Transcript of the Address by His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, At the 29th Anniversary Celebrations with Collaborating Partners of the St. Francis Community Developers, Rose Hall town, East Berbi

  • Posted: February 01, 2016
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(25th October 2015) H.E. David Granger: Members of the St. Francis Community Developers, citizens of east Berbice Corentyne region, members of the media. First of all, it is my duty to extend congratulations to the St. Francis Community Developers on the occasion of its 29th anniversary. I don’t think anyone in this country doesn’t know what …

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Address By: His Excellency, Brigadier David Granger, President of the Cooperative Republic Of Guyana To the National Assembly On the claims of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of Suriname to Guyana’s territory

  • Posted: February 01, 2016
  • 89

(22nd October 2015) Guyana’s patrimony Honourable Prime Minister and Leader of the House Members of the Diplomatic Corps Honourable Leader of the Opposition Ministers of the Government Honourable Members of the National Assembly Ladies and Gentlemen:   I am honoured to be here for the third time, in this year 2015; to discuss with you, matters …

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Transcript of the Address by Brigadier David Granger President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Address to students at President’s College

  • Posted: February 01, 2016
  • 7

(19th October, 2015 ) Mr. Chairman, Deputy Principal, President of the Parent Teachers Association, Students:  H.E Brigadier David Granger: I am here because I am the President and this is President’s College, right? I am supposed to be here, I am happy to be here, I am honoured to be here. This morning my remarks will be brief as well …

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