Day: <span>December 15, 2015</span>
IMG 7768

First Lady presents 1500 pairs of shoes to hinterland students – total of 30,000 donated for distribution

  • Posted: December 15, 2015
  • 6

Georgetown, Guyana – (December 15, 2015) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, in collaboration with the ‘Rethink’ Organisation, the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Caribbean Airlines, today, presented over 1500 pairs of shoes to students from the hinterland regions, who are currently studying in Georgetown. At a simple ceremony held on the lawns of State House, …

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GPF Fallen Heroes Foundation and Scholarship fund to receive $1M each – as President congratulates Force on overcoming 2015 challenges at Christmas Breakfast

  • Posted: December 15, 2015
  • 0

Georgetown, Guyana – (December 15, 2015) President David Granger, this morning, announced a contribution of $1 million dollars to the Guyana Police Force’s (GPF) Fallen Heroes Foundation and another $1 million the Force’s Scholarship Fund. The President, who himself benefited from a GPF scholarship to attend Queen’s College, made these announcements at the GPF’s Traditional …

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