Day: <span>December 6, 2015</span>
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National cohesion critical to Guyana’s “second Independence” President Granger at launch of new ISA School building and GIT Secretariat

  • Posted: December 06, 2015
  • 2

Georgetown, Guyana – (December 6, 2015) President David Granger told a gathering at the launch of the new Guyana Islamic Trust (GIT) Secretariat and the ISA Elementary School building on East Street, this morning, that “We (Guyanese) are holding ourselves back because of that failure to come together to achieve that goal of national cohesion.” …

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Men must respect women’s equality – President Granger tells Adventist men’s conference

  • Posted: December 06, 2015
  • 6

Georgetown, Guyana – (December 5, 2015) President David Granger called on men to respect women’s equality as he outlined, what he called, the three pillars of gender relations, this afternoon, at the National Association of the Adventist Men’s Ministry 2015 Men’s Conference, which was held in the main auditorium of the Sophia Exhibition Centre. “Christian …

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