Month: <span>October 2015</span>

“We cannot sell out” -President Granger at conclusion of Exercise Greenheart

  • Posted: October 26, 2015
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Georgetown, Guyana – (October 26, 2015) “We cannot sell out. We cannot give away. We cannot offer the adversary any corridor or any passage.” Commander in Chief, Brigadier David Granger made that declaration, this morning, as he lauded the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) for the successful completion of Exercise Greenheart, a tactical exercise, in the …

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Guyana can become an agricultural powerhouse through education –President Granger tells Black Bush Polder residents

  • Posted: October 26, 2015
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Georgetown, Guyana, (October 26, 2015) President of Guyana, His Excellency Brigadier David Granger says his administration is committed to working with communities in the East Berbice Region to ensure that the population is better educated, unemployment is reduced and citizens are made more self-reliant. These were some of the commitments made by the Head of …

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President Granger adds bicycle to support for East Canje fire victim

  • Posted: October 26, 2015
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Georgetown, Guyana – (October 26, 2015) As was promised, Brigadier David Granger, President of Guyana, on Sunday paid a visit to Sarah Shivpersaud and her mother Lalita Bedessie who are currently staying with relatives at East Canje Berbice following a fire, which destroyed their home, last week. Fifteen year old Sarah Shivpersaud, who lost her …

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Guyana salutes UN for seven decades of promoting peace and security

  • Posted: October 25, 2015
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Georgetown, Guyana (October 24, 2015) – President David Granger and First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, this evening, joined the United Nations (UN) family in Guyana in celebrating the 70th anniversary of international organisation, at the Georgetown Club. In his address, the President reiterated the need for the UN Charter, which he described as a timely …

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PYARG urged to focus on Education, employment and entrepreneurship

  • Posted: October 25, 2015
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Georgetown, Guyana – (October 24, 2015) Declaring the need for a change in the approach to youth development in Guyana, President David Granger called on the President’s Youth Award Republic of Guyana (PYARG) to place greater focus on education, this afternoon, at the National Cultural Centre, where Over 600 youths across the country received awards: …

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President Granger expresses condolences to family of slain Guyanese NY police officer

  • Posted: October 24, 2015
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Georgetown, Guyana – (October 24, 2015) His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, President of Guyana, today, on a telephone call, expressed deepest condolences to the family of the late Randolph Holder, 33, a Guyanese immigrant and a police officer for five years, in the New York City Police Department (NYPD). Speaking to Holder’s grandmother, Elizabeth Lovell, …

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Transparency Institute of Guyana meets with President

  • Posted: October 23, 2015
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Georgetown, Guyana – (October 23, 2015) The Director and members of the Transparency Institute of Guyana Incorporated, met with the President, His Excellency Brigadier David Granger, and discussed means of collaboration, to tackle any incidence of corruption, within state agencies. The team visited the Ministry of the Presidency and met with the President and Minister …

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“Our young girls must be protected” -First Lady Sandra Granger at GRPA fund raising dinner

  • Posted: October 23, 2015
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Georgetown, Guyana – (October 23, 2015) First Lady Sandra Granger, has issued a call for those responsible for statutory rape to be pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Addressing the gathering at the Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association’s (GRPA) Fundraising Dinner on Thursday evening, at the Pegasus Hotel, Mrs. Granger pointed out …

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President called on by members of Gideon International

  • Posted: October 23, 2015
  • 4

Georgetown, Guyana (October 23, 2015) – President David was today paid a courtesy call by Mr. Lionel Persaud and Mr. Peter Assing from the Gideon International Organisation, who presented him a copy of the Bible. Gideons International is an evangelical Christian association whose primary activity is distributing copies of the Bible free of charge. In …

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