Georgetown, Guyana – (September 03, 2015) Following the recording of the newly revamped, weekly television show, The Public Interest, President David Granger told members of the media, who participated in the show, that he will be holding a press conference soon.

The President, who often works more than 12 hours days, in order to keep up with his packed agenda, indicated that it was simply a matter of scheduling, but that he has informed the Director of Communications, Mark Archer, that he is available for a press conference.

The Head of State added that he is looking forward, also, to meeting with the media in an informal setting, as well as holding press conferences but during the past few months the administration has had to rely heavily on Post Cabinet Press briefing, which is hosted by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon and Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman.

Other Ministers of Government have often participated in the briefings as well. President Granger said, “I didn’t feel that there was an information deficit.”

The Public Interest now includes a panel of journalists, which will be drawn from the local and regional press corps, weekly. The journalists who participated in the new show are Kiana Wilburg of Kaieteur News, Travis Chase of Nightly News and Radha Motilall of the National Communications Network.

The Ministry and President Granger look forward to a wide cross section of journalists participating in the show going forward and will continue to make this and other media engagement opportunities available. These avenues include, but are not limited to the following:-

1. Interview Requests
Members of the media may submit a request for interview with the President of Guyana or any Minister or authorised officer within the Ministry of the Presidency, through the Press and Publicity Unit. While, due to scheduling limitations, not all interviews can be granted, this remains an option to directly engage the President of Guyana and Ministers.

2. Ministerial Press Conferences
Ministers within the Ministry of the Presidency are empowered to engage the media though press conferences on issues that fall within their portfolio. Additionally, the Minister of State and the Minister of Governance are responsible for hosting Post Cabinet Press Briefings, weekly. From time to time, this has also become a forum where other Ministers’ of the Government can engage with members of the media.

3. Presidential Press Conferences
The President will hold press conferences to engage members of the media, from time to time, on major national issues, following major international engagements and as the need arises. The first such press conference is being planned at the moment. All Ministers of Government are empowered to speak on issues that fall within their portfolio and have been directed to regularly engage with the press.

4. Television Interview
The President will participate in a statutory television programme, as mentioned above, which members of the media will be invited to participate in. Details of this engagement will be shared with media houses through direct communication with the editors as the programme is rolled out

5. Other means of engagement
The President continues to be regularly accessible to members of the media, who do engage with him at public forums.

We look forward to the continued partnership in the delivery of accurate and credible information to the people of Guyana.

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